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Little House Egg Nog Recipe!

Posted on: December 16, 2022

Little House/LA Nog Recipe!  (It's a bit complicated... so let us know if you have questions!)

Little House/LA Demonstration Video!

Ingredients: This recipe makes a lot!  Cut it all in 1/2 to make a smaller batch if you like.

- 32 ounces (oz.) of Brandy (I prefer a cognac like Park VS or Pierre Ferrand)
- 16 oz. of Rye
- 16 ounces of Jamaican Rum (I love a combo of Smith and Cross 10 oz. and Appleton 6 oz.)
- 8 ounces of Sherry (Pedro ximenez only)
- 12 XL eggs separated into whites and yolks
- 10 ounces of "Grade B" maple syrup (the darker variety!  it's better for cooking)
- 1 quart of whole milk (32 oz) (Preferably Straus Family Whole Milk)
- 1 quart of Heavy cream (32 oz) (Preferably Straus Family Cream!)


1.  Separate Eggs into yolks and whites.
2.  Beat yolks and add maple syrup
3.  Add booze to yolk and maple syrup stirring in slowly!
4.  Add Cream and Milk and Mix
5.  Beat egg whites until stiff and fold by into the mixture

Pour over ice, top with fresh made whipped cream and grate fresh nutmeg on top! Enjoy!


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